Here are the results of the 31st Annual Spring Photography Contest, sponsored by Photographer’s Forum magazine and Sigma. Finalists were notified in July. The Winners and Honorable Mentions listed here were chosen from the Finalist group by our judges. This year the judges were: Darcy Huebler, Dean of Photography, California Institute of the Arts; Daniel Overturf, faculty, Southern Illinois University; and Dr. Ian R. Smith, head of the honors program in photography at Salisbury College, UK.

*** Finalists, please see the NOTE at the bottom of this page.***


First Place $2,000 :: Larry Y. Louie

Second Place $1,000 :: Nick Ng Yeow Kee

Third Place $500 :: Corwin von Kuhwede

Fourth Place $100 :: Durga Garcia
:: Sirsendu Gayen
:: Chelsey Olson
:: Katharine E. Ryals
:: Carl Sandén


Mohammed Y. Al-Furaih
Alexander Atanassov
Randolph F. Badiola
Christina L. Boyson
Jan C. Brookshier
Amanda R. Brown
Jenny L. Brown
Polly A. Chandler
Kevin J. Cook
David A. Corbin
Brittany M. Craft
Titano Cruz
Annie C. Cullen
Dayna Danger
Anthony DiMatteo
Estelle Dougier
Derek Drudge
Stephen Dublin
Jon Edwards
Lindsey M. Ellis
Brian M. Favell
Caleb Fox
J. Harold Gibson
Bryan A. Gilligan
Rodolfo Giunta
Lana R. Gramlich
Donald J. Gray
Joshua L. Grote
Erin E. Hayes
Nicole A. Hays
G. M. Hegeman
Gene G. Helgesen
Sue Henry
Domingo S. Hernandez
Robert E. Hess
Brian M. Hodges
John L. hovenstine
Chan Kwok Hung
Rick B. Jung
Marv Kaminsky
Amber G. Kasen
Michael F. Knapstein
Susan Kott
Bojune Kwon
Beom Jun Lee
Peter Lik
Sheena Xin Liu
Katharina Lohmann
Ly Hoang Long
London A. Lunoux
Claire Mallett
Meagan Ashley Mansfield
Anthony J. Masia
Ashley Y. Matthews
Leslie McBride
Kelsey E. McClellan
Andrew J. Meilstrup
Matthieu Mellon
Aniko Molnar
Danielle M. Morton
Timothy P. Murray
Thomas Anthony Nepomuceno
Maria A. Nikolovski
Elaine I. Palacios
Paolo Patruno
Victoria M. Perez
Jill A. Perry-Zaborowski
Neville Petersen
Ellin Pollachek
Giovanni Presutti
Charit Pusiri
Don M. Raffaele
Ted Raper
Barrett O. Robe
Jim Robertson
Gjert Rognli
Patricia A. Saldaà±a
Xiaoying Shi
Toko Shiiki
Greg Sjostrom
Leah McCoy Soderblom
Aylin Soyer Tangen
Mavanie K. Stanley
Nayan Sthankiya
Yehuda Swed
Bill Taylor
John Taylor
Alexander Tkachev
Martin Tom à­k
Greg Tucker
Ogun Caglayan Turkay
Dima Vazinovich
Dale Veach
Clete Wade
Li Wing Yan
Brian Evan Wittmuss
Aditya T. Wresniyandaka
Sharon Wright
Hanan P. Zatloff

NOTE TO FINALISTS: All finalists were notified by mail in July. If you received a letter that said you had been selected as a finalist, your name and photograph will be published in the hardcover book Best of Photography 2011. This is a list of Winners and Honorable Mentions only. Your name will not be on this list if you did not go on to become a Winner or Honorable Mention. All Winners, Honorable Mentions and Finalists will receive a gold-embossed certificate in December, along with an order form for tear sheets.