Chimera’s Octa 30 Beauty Dish

Chimera’s Octa 30 Beauty Dish

Chimera’s Octa 30 Beauty Dish #6015 is a lightweight collapsible light modifier to be used with either studio or camera flash units. The support poles are on the outside of the body, which gives a completely smooth and uniform white interior. A fabric bounce-back disc, suspended in the center, bounces the direct light of your flash unit into the soft white interior of the reflector. It can also be converted into a 30-inch OctaPlus Lightbank by using the included front diffusion screen, creating a softer lighting. Either way, the result is a great light with round catch lights suitable for head shots and beauty portraits as well as studio quality light for weddings and events. The Chimera Octa 30 Beauty Dish comes complete with the fabric body, support poles, bounce-back disc and the OctaPlus front diffusion screen. For further information, visit www.chimera